Tonight is the winter solstice and thus the longest night of the year. It is the beginning of winter, a season marked by hibernation and cold, by darkness and the absence of growth. The moon is also waning tonight. It will continue to diminish as we move into Christmas, growing smaller and smaller until it […]
Thanksgiving and Rugged Blessings
I went for a run earlier this week that ended up not involving any actual running. While I wasn’t running, I thought about Thanksgiving, and about how life can be filled with strange blessings and rugged beauty that is sometimes most present in the rebuilding of what has been lost. Living by the ocean has […]
The 9th Annual Summer List
Well, I’m happy to have an exciting update on my attempt to complete one of the items on last year’s Annual Summer List. Suggestion #4 was to read a book you’ve “spent your whole life avoiding†and even “cringing at.†I mentioned that mine was Moby Dick. This choice, y’all, was not without cause: After […]
Her Brother’s Marital Prospects and Other Baby-Girl Observations
About five years ago, I started a post about funny things my daughter was saying at the time, but I never finished it. I forgot about it until last weekend, when I stumbled on the draft in one of my files. So today, I’m including three things Baby-Girl said when she was probably six or […]
Happy Easter!
This is what comes of Word made flesh and water made wine two millennia ago. This is what comes of a world that tilted further, moving across the days toward seeming darkness until that dawn when empty death linens backdropped the cry of “Rabboni!†This is what has come in all the days since, the […]
Thoughts on the Sea #24
The sea can do craziness, it can do smooth, it can lie down like silk breathing or toss havoc shoreward; it can give gifts or withhold all; it can rise, ebb, froth like an incoming frenzy of fountains, or it can sweet-talk entirely. As I can too, and so, no doubt, can you, and you. […]