Root: PATH, PATHOS Meaning: feeling, suffering, disease Words: apathy (n) (a- = not, without): without feelings, not caring about something There once was an apathetic nihilist. He never did anything of any interest to anyone really, since in his mind, nothing ever mattered anyway. Frankly, he was rather bored with himself, but he didn’t see […]
Greek Review Answers, Roots I – VIII
Here are the answers from last week’s Greek I – VIII review. If you haven’t seen the original review, you may want to go here first before you view the answers below. Once upon a time, there was a A). bibliophile aptly named Juana Bea Bookhead. Her name was not inspired by anyone famous, like […]
Greek Review, Roots I – VIII
Have at it, everyone! I’ll post the answers next week. Word Bank: democracy                 demographics            pandemic                    Anglophile bibliophile                  philanthropic              philosophy                  misanthrope misogynist                 misologia                    aphonic                      cacophony euphony                    pachyderm                 hypodermic                taxidermist gynarchy                   gynecologist               gynoid                       misogynist astronomy                 astrology                    astronaut                    disaster anthropology            anthropomorphic        anthropophobiac Once upon a time, there was a A). ____________ aptly named Juana Bea Bookhead. Her […]
Greek #8
Root: ANTHROP Meaning: mankind, people Words: anthropology (n) (log = study of): the study of people I’ve always thought linguistic anthropology would be an interesting subject to study in school, but given that I’m married to loquaciousness personified, I have regular opportunities to conduct field research on how language impacts society and social life. For […]
Greek #7: Astr, Astron
Root: ASTR, ASTRON Meaning: star Words: astronaut (n) (nau = ship or sailor): literally, a star sailor As a teenager with highly-sophisticated tastes in film, one of my favorite 80s movies was Space Camp, where several teenagers attending a summer space camp are accidentally launched into space (a highly-implausible plot one can only accept without […]
Greek #6
Root: GYN, GYNE, GYNEC Meaning: I am woman, hear me roar! Words: gynarchy (n) (arch = rule, govern): government run by women Generally, I believe that gender should be completely irrelevant when choosing someone to govern a body of people. However, in the case of my family, I do feel it should be considered, and […]