A Fruitless Morning (But Not In The Literal Sense)

I’ve spent the morning doing a commendable job of avoiding 71 of the 72 things on my list that I intended to accomplish today. My sole accomplishment was #24, which was grocery shopping.

Ever do that? (I mean the avoidance of all obligatory stuff, not the grocery shopping stuff.)

There’s just so much to get done, why bother tackling a list I’ll never complete anyway, right?


It’s been a relatively fruitless morning.

(But not in the literal sense, since I did have some cantaloupe.)

I tried to work on a post idea that’s been brewing in my head for a while now, but it kept coming out all stilted and, well, just plain wrong.

And LCB kept coming out of his office to talk about food and dieting for a few minutes so that he could maintain his three-pounds-per-day weight loss. These are indeed the times that try my soul.

So I was distracted with thoughts of Shut-Your-Big-Mouth-Already-Sweetheart.

Then, after spending some time on the internet looking at a series of things that will never help to make the world a better place, I ended up scanning through a bunch of my pictures from the last few weeks.

I was a little surprised by what I found. Back in October, I mentioned that I was starting to take a few pictures of birds out on the marsh, despite my deeply-entrenched fears of the aviary species. Well, as I sorted through my pictures, I realized that my recently-acquired condition is getting worse.

There were dozens of pictures of seagulls by the ocean, all taken by me.

I don’t know what’s happening to me.

Actually, they were really fun to look at when I stopped thinking about the fact that I was the one who took all the pictures, venturing dangerously close to what I still consider to be small animals that can fly and poop simultaneously.

And since we’re on the subject of birds, does anyone have any idea what kind of bird this is? I found it last month, and honestly, its feathers were beautiful, but something about it just isn’t sitting right with me. If someone could let me know what this is, that it’s a bird species that is, well, intended to happen, I’d feel a great deal better.

3 Replies to “A Fruitless Morning (But Not In The Literal Sense)”

  1. I’m on the lose 1,000 pounds a day plan too. It’s rough. I eat like a normal person and move a moderate amount throughout the week. AWFUL. I can relate to LCB.
    I am not a fan of birds either, but these pictures are beautiful.

    1. Thanks. As long as they keep their distance, I think we’re good. The pictures aren’t always easy to get, because one of my kids usually tries to chase and/or pet the birds, so they’re usually long gone before I can even aim my camera.

  2. For an ornithophobe, you sure take beautiful pictures of birds! That last bird is kind of beautiful and creepy at the same time–looks like a cross between a seagull and a turkey. Weird.

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