On this day so many years ago, after witnessing the crucifixion of Christ, Mary Magdalene stood outside his tomb, and she wept. And then a man she at first failed to recognize spoke to her:
“Woman,†he said, “why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?†Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.â€
Jesus said to her, “Mary.†She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!†(which means Teacher). John 20: 15-16
Rejoice this Easter day, for he has risen.
What a beautiful story, isn’t it? She was grief stricken, just as His mom surely was. His friends were confused and scared of the officials and locked themselves in a house.
But not Mary, she stayed near Jesus’ tomb…numb and spent.
Did she ever expect Him to have risen from the dead?
…no way…
She just knew her teacher had died and He was the one that brought Mary out of the pit of her pain and suffering…He did not ignore her…He did not ignore woman as the men of that day did..
He completely changed her life
So, it was no where on her radar, that she would ever see Him again…but it was by His voice and the fact that He addressed her by name, that she recognized Him.
She was grateful
I sometimes wonder how exactly He said ” Mary”…I am sure it was in the most loving and accepting way.
Thanks for your post reminding me of this encounter.
Thank you so much for sharing! Somehow I missed your comment initially, and just found it now. Yes, this would be one of those moments I’d love to have witnessed. It IS a beautiful story.