Well I Never

One of many things I’ve never done


On An Island Mom, I talk a great deal about what I have done, but not so much about what I’ve never done. And, since I’ve blogged about pretty much everything else under the sun, why not this too? In no particular order then, and for no particular reason, here are some of the things I’ve never done.

1. I’ve never been at a live birth other than the three the laws of nature required that I attend. I’d go if someone really, really needed me to be there (or possibly for an extremely large sum of money), but I’m not exactly looking for an excuse to attend one. There are certain things that I’d just as soon not know firsthand, if you know what I mean.

2. I’ve never programmed anything. Unless you count alarm clocks.

3. I’ve never made a sound that could be defined, in anyone’s book, as a whistle. I’m still trying to learn, but as of yet, nothing’s happening.

4. I’ve never driven a forklift. I’ve driven a tractor, but a forklift just seems more dangerous for someone with my spatial inabilities. Also, they appear to be harder to come by. I have several friends with tractors, but no forklift-owning friends. This is clearly a weak spot in my repertoire of friends, but it’s probably for the best. Actually, I do have a friend with an excavator and a backhoe, so I guess I could explore those options if I’m bent on destruction someday.

5. I’ve never camped in a tent for more than two consecutive days. This is due in part to my aversion to public showers. There may or may not be other reasons as well.

6. I’ve never once picked up a science fiction book and thought, “Wow, this looks interesting.”

7. I’ve never seen a live borculo.

8. I’ve never sky-dived, bungee-jumped, or ridden one of those freefall rides at amusement parks. Seriously, who does that stuff except on pain of death? (Okay, probably at least half of you, I know, but I’m being rhetorical here.)

9. I’ve never eaten brains. In fact, I wouldn’t even know that this is something one could put on an I Never list if LCB hadn’t consumed lamb brains during his international business travels back during that other life we once had.

10. I’ve never, ever had a professional pedicure. Men wouldn’t be able to tell, but half the women I know totally would. I’m still not really sure what this says about me.

11. I never have once taken a sip of whiskey and not, for at least five seconds afterward, wished for death.

So, what are some of the things all of you have never done? And if, for some reason, you’ve never had chocolate or never been to the beach, I’m sorry, but I’m going to need evidence before I’d ever believe anything that far-fetched.

4 Replies to “Well I Never”

  1. This is fun….And I actually share a number of these with you! (Can’t whistle, can’t stand sci-fi –not that you said exactly that, but…)
    But a pedi–really!!? Girl, if we were on the same island, I’d be on my way over…:)
    I also have never done anything involving great heights, and I never plan to, thank you very much.
    What else? I know this is weird, but I just mentioned to my boys yesterday that I’ve never written or said “LOL” (until that right there! :)) hahaha! I don’t know why, but I have never.
    Be blessed.

    1. Heights certainly aren’t my strength either. And now that you mention it, I’m not sure if I’ve ever said or written LOL either. I can BTW or FYI with the best of them, but I just don’t think I can carry off an LOL well, even though I suspect I actually laugh out loud way more than the average person. Funny. Aloha!

  2. Ooo-this is fun! I’ve never read sci-fi and have no desire to do so. The original Star Wars, Star Trek, and current Dr Who’s are about as sci-fi as I’m gonna get, thank you very much. I never climb onto roofs without being paid up front and in cash (Before the Wonder Kids, I was a roof designer). I’ve never stood in front of a group of people and said anything remotely intelligent. I’ve tried but fail miserably. I’ve never eaten oysters and refuse to even be in the same room with them. I’ve never been able to grow more than one vegetable at a time since my garden always gets overtaken by bugs and my ineptness (in spite of my valiant efforts and hubby’s money).

    1. Yes, watching Star Wars is about as much as I’ll ever do. Wow, roof designer? That would be a great job to have on the beach or even in the middle of a big city possibly. I bet you’ve seen some cool things over the years. Then again, you’ve probably seen a thing or two you wish you hadn’t, too. 😉 I’ve eaten oysters two or three times I think, and have decided that I’m done with them forever. At least you can grow one vegetable; I’m guessing there’s a large percentage of society that hasn’t done even that.

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