Latin #10

Root: SON, SONUS Meaning: sound Words: 1. resonate (v) (re- = again, renew): ongoing sound, with intensity When LCB came home after a business dinner of overindulgence a couple of weeks ago and suggested we both reduce our caloric intake for a while (thanks, babe, for the underlying assumption there), I was game until he […]

Latin #9

Root:  ANIM Meaning: spirit, life, soul, mind Words: inanimate (adj) (in- = not): not or without life One of my sons has this fun habit of suddenly falling on the floor in an inanimate position, in attempt to get me to freak out. The thing is, I know he’s a frequent prankster, and he’s done […]

Latin #8

Root: SAG    Meaning: wise, shrewd, perceptive Words: Sage (adj): wise, shrewd or perceptive AND (n): a person who is wise, shrewd or perceptive I, Christine of An Island Mom notoriety, have offered so much sage advice to people who may or may not want it, that many people consider me to be a sage. Honestly, […]