About three years ago, shortly after Thanksgiving, I wrote a post called Suspension. We had moved to a new island a few months earlier and had just been back for a visit to our old island, so I wrote about our feelings of being suspended between the two islands, of living “half in the old […]
from big city to small island
A Carolina Island Life: How It Came To Pass, Part XI
If you are new to this story, you may want to pour yourself a glass of wine and start here: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, and Part X. This is the part of the story that’s hard to tell. I want to […]
A Carolina Island Life: How It Came To Pass, Part VII
We waited, and eventually got our answer from the owner. He wanted full asking price and not a penny less. This just didn’t quite sit well with us. We had never been impulsive buyers, never getting our hearts set on one thing, house or otherwise, to the point of ignoring the price. And while the […]
A Carolina Island Life: How It Came To Pass, Part I

Several people have asked me how we, as Chicagoans, came to live on an island in the Carolinas, both people I’ve met through this blog and friends who haven’t heard the account in its entirety. The answer to this, like the answer to most things, I sometimes suspect, is in essence a story. And so […]