My View from the Deck: Part One

Y’all, last week, we spent a few days back on our old island, the one I still consider my home island. It’s been a long time since we’ve been back, so I found myself looking afresh at my once-regular views.

I also have a new camera, and She-Who-Is-Challenged-Even-By-Autofocus spent much the weekend ranting about her own ineptness, prompting LCB to seek solitary confinement in his office for hours on end. Oh, and that whole take-the-battery-out-between-uses thing that’s apparently advisable or whatever is killing me, because I keep forgetting and thinking my battery (or my camera) is dead, so then I run and grab my old camera to take pictures with, and then five minutes later remember about my new battery practices, long after the Kodak moment has passed.

I know what many of you are thinking. And I don’t care. Well, I only care that you know that I know that you are thinking what you are thinking. But I don’t care that you are thinking it. I’m convinced that the Lord has a purpose even for people like me, so I’m okay with the state of my inept and mostly crazy little self. As long as you know that I know that I have these tendencies but am okay with them (and by the way, I am totally aware of them), I’m fine.

Additionally, while home I had my hair done by my stylist extraordinaire, so the next night I pestered LCB to take a few pictures of me just so I can remember what it’s like not to have two inches of non-highlighted hair popping out of my scalp. The way my schedule looks at present time, that look is conceivably in my personal forecast again.

You all really need to just forgive me for all of the above. I blame it on the Mack truck that hit my nasal cavity earlier this week in the form of a virus, one that’s made me the poster child for the descriptor “looking like death warmed over.” (There hasn’t been enough makeup in the world, y’all.) And, I also blame it on the recent, untimely demise of a certain character in a certain show that had better pull a Lazarus if the world is ever to be right again. Some of you choir members know exactly what I’m saying. To those of you who don’t, don’t worry; you know what they say about ignorance.

The point of all of this is just to say this: I saw a ton of cool stuff last week and I took a ton of pictures. I started writing a post and realized I had a ton of stuff to share, so I’m going to break up the ton into smaller pieces. Enough said.

So, in an entirely different vein, may I present My View from the Deck: Part One.

I can’t tell you how many times, over the years of living here, I’ve stood outside on my deck, and watched a story like this unfold.

IMG_4775IMG_4776IMG_4779IMG_4780IMG_4784The sequence of characters often changes, with one or more sometimes lagging far behind or running ahead, collecting shells, watching dolphins, or just lost in thought.

I will tell you this, however: There’s not much else in life quite like watching this tale unfold.

IMG_4958Not much at all.

3 Replies to “My View from the Deck: Part One”

  1. The photo sequence is so cute! Fun to watch…, oh and that wide open sea. You’re really right there!

    1. Thanks much! They are fun to watch, especially with that backdrop.:)

  2. I found your blog via abeachcottage
    what a gorgeous place you live in right on the beach … how beautiful for your children to grow up there.
    that snow is amazing for the beach isn’t it?
    all the best merilyn 🙂 from down under!